Rock Solid Church
on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.
(Matthew 16: 18)

Rock Solid Church
It is very important to know that the word “church” in the Bible has two linguistic sources. The first source is the Greek word (kerk), which means “the matter of God” or that “belongs to the Lord.”
As for the second source, it is the Greek word (Ecclesia), which was the name given to the governmental civil assembly of the city of Athens, to which the appropriate persons were invited, who possessed all political powers, including the legal functions in the country! It is the word synonymous in our present era with the word "Congress" or "the People's Assembly" or the governing body!
What is also surprising is that the first word (kirk) does not appear in the New Testament only twice, while the other word (ecclesia) appears 115 times. This means that it is the true reference word for the origin of the word church.
The most amazing thing is that it is the same word that the Lord Jesus used when he said to Peter, "And on this rock I will build my church!"
Jesus was telling Peter that he wanted to build his own spiritual governing body on earth, and for this he gave him the "keys" and said to him, "Whatever you loose shall be loosed, and whatever you bind shall be bound."
The use of the word church, ecclesia, is an attempt to recover the true meaning that Christ meant by founding his church!
كتاب حصان طروادة
هذا الكتاب يقدم رؤية مبتكرة مؤثرة تستفيد من قصة حصان طروادة التاريخية كرمز للتسلل الخفي والخداع. الهدف الأساسي هو دعوة القارئ والكنيسة لفحص الحياة الروحية بجدية والبحث عن نقاط الضعف التي قد يتسلل منها "الخداع الروحي" أو "حصان طروادة" ليدمر الحياة الروحية أو يقود الكنيسة للضعف والهزيمة
.أنه بوق تحذير ودعوة لليقظة

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