War which based on deception
The legendary story tells that the Greeks devised a very deceptive idea in order to end the long war that took place during their siege of the city of Troy, and they were unable to defeat it. Where they made a horse of wood, hollow inside, and it was filled with a large number of Greek fighters, and the rest of the Greek army pretended to leave, but they actually did not leave; The Greeks pretended that they had ended the siege and left. And their ships had actually sailed, but they disappeared behind a nearby island and hid somewhere, and at that time the wooden horse was placed in front of the city, so the Trojans accepted the entry of this horse and received it as a gift and as a sign of peace between them and the Greeks, and the Trojans were convinced of this because of a spy belonging to the army The Greek was able to get this idea into their heads. The people of Troy entered the horse into their city with a very majestic celebration, and they held great celebrations because of the end of the war, so they started getting drunk and drunk, and when the night came, the conditions of the people of Troy were lamentable because of the state of extreme drunkenness that was controlling them, then the soldiers came out from inside the horse, and opened the city From inside in front of their army, which was outside, and the Greek army slaughtered all the men of the city, and the women and children were taken as slaves to the victorious Greeks. The strange thing is that the victory that the Greek army could not achieve with all its strength over ten years, it was able to achieve in one night through deception!
This is the Trojan horse, the largest historical wooden horse. Its length is estimated at about one hundred and eight meters, and its mass is about three tons. Because it is an unforgettable historical story, a Hollywood movie dealt with the story of Troy. This film was produced in the year two thousand and four AD, and it achieved a very large viewership.
Trojan horse story
The story of the Trojan horse is the largest historical sermon for today's church. The very intense war that lasted for nearly ten years between the Greeks, with the largest army of their time, and the impregnable city of Troy, was not decided by force, but by the intensity of deception. The last word was not for direct confrontation, but for the malicious "soft" penetration theory.
The Church is a strong city because it is the city of the great king, and it cannot be defeated before the strongest of enemies because he promised that "the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." But the strange thing is that we see many times that the Church falls into “temporary” defeats, and we are amazed at why the Church is defeated, when the Lord promised that the armies of the enemies could not defeat the Church. But we see the clear answer through many stories from the Bible that are expressive in a terrible way about this historical story "The Trojan Horse". The church can be defeated through DECEPTION!
Joshua was defeated before Ai, not because of the strength of the city of Ai, but because of the pernicious spiritual penetration that the enemy made in the ranks of the army of the Lord's people. The city of Jericho - the former city of Ai - was full of idols and altars for pagan worship, especially spirits of lust and golden symbols of idols. The spirits of lust penetrated the ranks of the army, and Achan bin Karmi fell into a trap and welcomed the Trojan horse to enter his life, and lust entered his heart, and the bitter defeat of the people of God was before the small city of Ai. You can hear him say:
"When I saw among the spoils a goodly Babylonian garment, and two hundred shekels of silver, and a wedge of gold of fifty shekels weight, then I coveted them, and took them; and, behold, they are hid in the earth in the midst of my tent, and the silver under it." (Josh7:21)
Lust in its various dimensions still expresses the spirit of Lucifer, who acts like a deceitful Trojan horse that enters by stealth as a gift of peace, but he is loaded with very fierce enemy soldiers who come out at the wrong time in order to destroy, slaughter, kill, crush, and defeat the city, but the defeat through sneaking into inside!
We will talk about some different forms of evil lusts that belong to the world of Lucifer and the world of sin and the flesh that express the old life of believers which comes as a Trojan horse that enters in secret so that it can defeat the fortified city from within through deception. (to be continued)