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Writer: Ezzat HakimEzzat Hakim

Updated: Jun 24, 2023

The great God "Elohim" created man in His image and likeness; To be a “king and priest” who owns the earth, represented and delegated personally: {And God [Elohim] said: Let us make man in Our image, like Our likeness, so that they may rule...} (Genesis 1:26).

Elohim is one of the main Hebrew names of God in the Old Testament. It refers to God with majesty, majesty, and omnipotent power, who creates, possesses, rules, and decrees. We also find that the meaning in the Hebrew origin of the word “rule” - which was mentioned with regard to the first man - refers to the same meanings contained in the name “Elohim”, which is to rule over, possess, rule and judge. This meaning clearly indicates that man is created in the image and likeness of Elohim; To possess, rule, and judge, just like the image of his Creator.

Yahweh "Elohim" emphasized this meaning again - with regard to the first man - when He said to them: {Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds. the heavens and every living thing that moves on the earth. (Genesis 1:28)

Here, you find a close connection between the call to exercise the authority granted to Adam - in order to subdue and rule the land - and God's call to him to invest the land. The authority or rule granted to Adam was directly related to managing and caring for the affairs of the earth, in order to bear fruit and multiply on it.

And it also reads in (Genesis 2:15): {And the Lord God took Adam and placed him in the Garden of Eden to work it and protect it}, and here we find an additional meaning of the necessity of the Lord God granting Adam the authority of sovereignty and rule, as you find that the Hebrew origin of the word “preserves” is Shamar", which indicates To guard and keep from harm! This is a clear reference to Adam; In order to prepare for confrontation with the spiritual enemies, Satan, who was present at that time on Earth itself, in the wilderness outside of Heaven. Adam the Sultan should have prepared for confrontation and victory to protect the Earth.

Adam was called to rule and rule on earth, based on the relationship of love and worship that existed between him and God. You read in the third chapter of the Book of Genesis that God had a habit of walking with Adam in Paradise: There was an intimate relationship of adhesion and worship between Adam and God. Clinging to God and worshiping are always the secret of unleashing power and sovereignty. In the kingdom of God, you will find that the spiritual kings (that is, those who have spiritual authority) must first be spiritual priests, that is, they enjoy a relationship and adherence to the Lord, and are in constant worship before Him.

The role given to Adam through "worship" was to "rule", to rule and lead the work in the land, and to protect it from dangers, evils and harm! And this is the actual and correct meaning of the word “government” in all languages, that is, when there is someone who rules, dominates, leads, and organizes, and at the same time protects from the danger of evil deeds and from harm, then there is what is called: a real “government.”

Together, Adam and Eve formed the first "government" on earth, for God's kingdom. And you can see some aspects of this government, when God brought all the animals to Adam; to organize them and give them names. God was releasing Adam in his governmental role on earth: Awha, and whatever Adam called a living creature, that was its name.” (Genesis 2:19) . And the Lord was pleased with what Adam did regarding this task.

Adam succeeded in exercising his governmental role, with regard to managing the affairs of the earth or heaven, which God had given him for a while. But when the enemy came to tempt and harm, alas, Adam was neither present nor ready, nor was Eve ready. And the historical site in which the first divine government fell on earth occurred in front of the spiritual enemies. With this fall, the enemy stole the sovereignty and rule granted to Adam, and also stole the authority of administration and the authority of protection, and the thief became the one who runs, and the oppressor became the one who prevailed, and the murderer became the one responsible for the affairs of the earth.

to be continued..


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