It's a time to build the walls of protection around your marriage
And they said, Let us rise up and build. (Nehemiah 2 : 8 )

When you read the book of Nehemiah, you will find the story of a man who was called to rebuild the walls of the city of Jerusalem - the walls that were demolished by enemies. The task was huge and almost impossible. There were many who resisted and opposed this work, and many mocked Nehemiah and those whom he gathered to build the wall.
The people along the wall were divided according to families, and each family had to repair their own section of the wall and rebuild it so that the city would be protected and safe again. And those families began to carry weapons in one hand and work and build with the other. Today, the disintegration of marriages and families along previous generations has made us vulnerable, and every family has to fight its own wars. It's time to rebuild the wall! Just as it was in the days of Nehemiah, the Lord appoints and anoints families to come together and to be united again and to restore safety and protection in the homes of our society.
Strong marriages and strong families bring strength to the whole city, and vice versa, broken and demolished houses make churches and cities unfortified and always vulnerable to enemy attack.
Let's use God's Word as a building tool, and then we will build a healthy and strong protective wall around our marriages and homes. It will also be a safe place to raise our children.
start from where you are today
Your marriage may be destroyed at this moment, and you may feel that you are one of the burning stones that are not suitable for building a strong and fortified wall. Nehemiah did not listen to the voice of his enemies, and you should do the same. The Lord has a great plan for you and He wants to rebuild you with strength and power.
The Lord gave us see this vision, millions of sparkling lights around the world, there was a light shining in every building, in every corner. And God said that each of these lights is a Christian home that radiates power, where peace and the blessing of the Lord emanate from them, to the extent that each home becomes an oasis for the thirsty world around it.
Whatever the situation in your marriage and home is today, you can be blessed and grow in the Lord through understanding and applying His divine plan for your marriage.
Our continuous prayers for you and your family is that your home becomes an oasis and comfort for you, and a light for all those around you who are lost in the darkness.
Dr. William Farag
