Jesus says "I love you" by dying on the cross for you.

Life is full of sorrow. Jesus came to give us hope. His message is that this place is not our home and we don’t belong here. In our sorrow, He can comfort us and give us support. We all have sinned. Shame and guilt keep us down in the pits. When Jesus died and rose from the dead, He took our sins and gave us new life. We are free to live at peace with Him and with ourselves. We can change the way we used to do things, and not go back to our old ways. Jesus makes all things new for those who love Him. The greatest love story ever told is the one of Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. He has made a way for us to enter the throne room and live eternal life with Him in Paradise. Jesus came to show us that He desires relationship with us. He longs for us to receive His unconditional love. He took our guilt and shame on the cross and He daily provides us grace, mercy, and blessings! Jesus came to serve us and be sacrificed for our foolishness. He wants us to feel and experience this kind of real, honest love. Today, You may open your heart to receive His love, through saying this simple prayer: “Dear Jesus, thank you for your love, and your sacrificial death for me on the cross, forgive me my sins, come into my heart, I will be yours all my life. Amen”