Rock Solid Ministry
Rock solid ministry is dedicated to support and encourage people of God in these seven areas of Christian life:
Building up your personal life on the rock of the revelation of word of God. To know who you are, why God created you, what is the real meaning of your life. How you can be healed and to be released to your Destiney. To discover your personal gifts and your talents and how you can invest it to the maximum of your potential.
Strengthen the bonds of family life. How to build successful, lifelong marriage can withstand the trials of this age. And to learn the skills of raising up healthy strong kids.
How to understand the alive biblical picture of the church. How the church should be functioning with the power of the Holy Spirit, and to be free from the spirit of religion.
How to build “House Church” at your home. To build Spiritual Altar for the Lord for you and your family and to have the opportunity to invite some relatives and some friends.
It is very important to understand what is going on in the END TIMES. How the darkness will cover the earth, but God’s light will shine upon us. For us it a flourishing time. Be ready for the end-time revival.
How to be ready to receive JESUS COMING BACK SOON AS KING to earth. It is important to grow in understanding what the Holy Spirit is saying to the church today.
The Call
Younger generations are not a problem for the church, they are the solution!
The younger generations are no longer just leaders of the future. Many of them have started taking up the baton of leadership in the present. Let us persevere in our efforts to engage with them and be ready to entrust the leadership mantle to them.
Let us give them all we learned and let them translate it into the language of the present. Younger generations are our task force to invade the present and the future!


Pastor Dr. Ezzat Ghobrial & Faten Khalil
The Rock Anaheim Arabic House Church Network

At the beginning of the Covid epidemic and when the church was taking place through the interview on Zoom, the Lord spoke to me and my wife about the need for the church to extend to our homes even after this epidemic ends for many reasons, including:
First: The desire of the Lord to dwell in our homes permanently and not only for two hours at church on Sunday. “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15)
Second: Restoring the family altar so that the house becomes a center of worship. This order will declare the protection of the blood of Christ on our homes
“And the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses in which you are” (Exodus 12:13).
Third: Building house churches to be the backyard of today’s church and its extension everywhere“ and to the church in your house” (Philemon 1:2).
Fourth: Make our homes - if this is possible - a door for evangelism, discipleship, and outreach to the perishing world. (Individual preaching work - preaching campaigns - follow-up through discipleship classes - using media)
“Those who were scattered went about preaching the word” (Acts 8:4).
Fifth: Creating a network of these blessed homes, on a wide scale, for spiritual support and spiritual participation, so that together we are strong and a light to the world.
If you and your family want to be involved in this vision through the following areas:
1. To start a family altar in your home.
2. To be one of the house churches that the Lord establishes today.
3. To be part of this network, wherever you live.
4. If you like to participate in the service of this work in any field of service.
We welcome you and will help and support you as much as you require spiritually and educationally in terms of ready programs for evangelism, discipleship, home church or personal counseling.